$500 Savings: Register for SXSW By Sept 17
The Forrest Four-Cast: September 5, 2018
UPDATE: Discount registration deadline extended through 11:59 pm Pacific Time Monday, September 17.
Save $500 on the walkup price if you buy your badge for SXSW 2019 before prices increase at 11:59 pm Pacific Time on Thursday, September 13 (which is a few days after the big September 10 content announcement).
After you purchase your badge, reserve your lodging for the event via SXSW Housing and Travel. Plenty of great downtown lodging still available, particularly during the second half of SXSWeek (which is when the new “Blockchain & Cryptocurrency” and “Cannabusiness” tracks occur).
Speaking of tracks for the 2019 event, learn more about the 25 areas of focus for next year via this page. Also, engage with this short quiz to confirm which SXSW badge is best for your goals at the event.
Finally remember that groups and organizations (as well as for students and faculty) are eligible for special badge rates for the 2019 event. Get your registration-related questions answered by browsing the FAQ.
Hugh Forrest serves as Chief Programming Officer at SXSW, the world’s most unique gathering of creative professionals. He also tries to write at least four paragraphs per day on Medium. These posts often cover tech-related trends; other times they focus on books, pop culture, sports and other current events.