Huge SXSW Milestones: Oct 17 and Oct 21
The Forrest Four-Cast: October 14, 2016
Next week is a monster one for SXSW, with the arrival of two major milestones for the 2017 season.
Monday, October 17 sees our biggest Programming announcement of the 2017 season, including the release of more Keynote speakers, more Featured speakers and more than 600 total sessions across 24 different tracks. The majority of sessions that will be announced on October 17 come from community-ideas entered this summer on the 2017 SXSW PanelPicker.
Speaking of 2017 programming, check out the 150+ bands for SXSW Music announced earlier this week. Remember that for next spring, we’ve reworked the badge structure such that SXSW attendees can enjoy a ton more content and a ton more cross-industry networking opportunities.
Also, Friday, October 21 is the deadline to save up to $400 on the walkup price for your 2017 badge. Register before the end of the day on October 21 to take advantage of this big discount. After you buy your badge, then be sure to book your hotel room via the SXSW Housing & Travel Department. Be sure as well to start setting up on-site meetings via SXSW Social.
Watch the SXSW website for the most complete run-down on all the incredible March Magic 2017 happenings in Austin.
UPDATE: Click here to see the full October 17 announcement including Keynotes from innovators such as Gareth Edwards (Director of “Rogue One”) and Adam Grant (author of “Originals: How Non-Conformists Rule the World”), plus Featured Speakers, as well as panels, solo presentations, book readings and workshops.