Register Now: March 2018 Is Not Far Away!
The Forrest Four-Cast: September 26, 2017
This column often reminds readers about the many reasons that they should consider registering for SXSW 2018 in Austin. For today, however, we are pushing the importance of a different kind of sign-up process. Tuesday, September 26 is National Voter Registration Day.
First observed in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is a national holiday celebrating our democracy. A year ago, over 750,000 citizens across all 50 states signed up to vote on this day. National Voter Registration Day seeks to create broad awareness of voter registration opportunities to reach tens of thousands of voters who may not register otherwise.
If you live in Central Texas, then consider being part of the Austin Tech Alliance’s voter registration drive from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Capital Factory (701 Brazos Street, First Floor).
If you aren’t based in Austin, then click here to find a directory of National Voter Registration Day events and activities across the nation. Or, complete the necessary paperwork from the convenience of your home computer by registering online — the process takes all of about three minutes to finish.
Speaking of important dates, Lone Star State voters should also mark their calendars for the Texas Primary on Tuesday, March 6.
Proponents of reviving the failed 2017 Bathroom Bill will be pushing a slate of candidates who are in favor of these kinds of discriminatory measures on March 6. So it is extremely important that Texas progressive voters be equally active in supporting more moderate candidates.
Hugh Forrest serves as Chief Programming Officer at SXSW, the world’s most unique gathering of creative professionals. He also tries to write at least four paragraphs per day on Medium. These posts often cover tech-related trends; other times they focus on books, pop culture, sports and other current events.
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